Friday, December 3, 2010

My column for November in SS Senior News

Hello God, it’s Me; I need You

In a research poll asking caregivers where they get their support, sixty-six percent answered “God’. The remaining thirty-three percent said friends, books, groups and professionals. Being a caregiver is lonely and laden with emotion. A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is a life-changing event for families, one that continues to change life. Emotions emerge that surprise, even shame the person feeling them. Grief and sorrow over the losses the person sees in their diagnosed family member may be more easily managed than the emotions of anger, resentment, persistent impatience, and thoughts of hatred. These emotions feel unnatural and are not usually revealed to friends or family members. The caregiver carries them alone, unless they feel the presence of God.
I often ask caregivers if their faith brings them comfort through the caregiving journey. If they answer ‘yes’ I know the emotional impact will be lessened. If their religious practices like prayer and worship are an integral part of life and bring comfort and meaning to life, the person feels less alone.
Old Testament verses in Proverbs 3: 3-6 reads, ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.’ The person of faith looks to God to hear their concerns, to continue to love them and forgive their shameful responses to caregiving. Some pray for patience to endure the challenges caregiving brings. Others are comforted believing God will guide them and protect them. God is the best care partner a caregiver can want.

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