Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Year of Caregiving

In another day it will be a new decade, a new year and time to review how your caregiving is going. Are things the same as a year ago? I doubt it, if you are caring for a family member with memory loss. Diseases of memory loss like Alzheimer's are usually progressive and constantly giving the caregiver new challenges. It may be time to see whether you need to learn new skills to address the changing challenges.
In early memory loss, you learned to tolerate the repeating of information or questions. You were aware that some skills were being lost. You grieved the losses to your way of relating to your family member; perhaps learned how to assume responsibilities he or she once had.
What are your challenges now? Is it adapting to loss of speech? Is it looking at whether it is time for more help, perhaps in the area of a day program? I hope you've located, joined and consistently participate in a support group.
When caring for someone with a chronic progressive illness like Alzheimer's, you must forever be adapting your life to the disease. Keep reading caregiving books and articles. Attend seminars by the Alzheimer's Association to keep up with new trends in care. It isn't as hard with the right information. You can enjoy your family member again; only in a different way.
We've recently added a new service to our list; one of activity planning. Without planned activity to fill the day, caregiving can be very tedious. We will be sharing some of our ideas from time to time. If you have activities that have worked for you, share them with us.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

StilMee's Caregiving Collaborations

I guess I'm on a roll to write. I've been giving a lot of talks on Alzheimer management at home. I'm collaborating with 3 other companies to add value to our already good coaching service so that we can cover all the treatment possibilities. Lynn Lazarus Serper, a researcher in brain health, has a Serper Method of brain education to delay the progression of memory loss in persons diagnosed with dementia. I've seen people become engaged happily in their own treatment. It is social, fun, and educational. And it works.Go to
Nancy Emerson Lombardo, another researcher in nutrition and brain health has a great service looking at eating brain healthy foods and adding supplements to augment the benefits. Her company is HealthCareInsights. I'm taking her supplements as is my husband and feeling rested, sleeping well, and having energy in good supply. She is at Look her up at
There is another company we are working with;My Way Village of Quincy. We've been involved in a pilot program to learn how to adjust the content of their very successful Connected Living Now product to be Alzheimer friendly and easy for a family caregiver to use. Its goal is to engage the person with Alzheimer's in a fail-free, fun, interactive search into the past to evoke pleasant memories and keep the person connected to family, friends and community. We at StilMee are looking forward to offering this to our caregivers to spend quality time with their family member. I'll let you know when we launch this addition to our coaching services. To learn more about this treatment, go to
Coach Beverly

Value of being in research studies

I met with a gentleman interested in making it easier to engage people with early stage Alzheimer's in research. It is imperative to the successful completion of a study that people are willing to be in the study. He told me something I'd never thought of before; the cost of research goes up double if the study is unable to retain subjects, and many treatments for Alzheimer's never make it to the table due to lack of study subjects. As I mentioned in another blogspot, my husband and I are in the HOPE study at BU in Boston. I will take part in other research as I am fit as a subject.
What keeps persons in early stage Alzheimer's from participating. It is probably a combination of fear, denial, and not finding the time. But it is imperative we find answers to the Alzheimer dilemma.
As one who has seen the results of not being willing to look at the fact that one has a diagnosis of Alzheimer's, I can say that the journey is much harder for all concerned. Medical and non-medical treatments are available but one won't benefit from them if no one pursues these options.