Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: What is Subjective Cognitive Decline?

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: What is Subjective Cognitive Decline?: VIDEO  + ARTICLE It may not be Alzheimer's, but what do you do when you realize your memory isn't what it used to be? Is it som...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: 25% Drop in Dementia Offers New Optimism

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: 25% Drop in Dementia Offers New Optimism: VIDEO & IN-DEPTH ARTICLE “Dementia rates fall as public health improves” is the good news from England this week. Learn about the T...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Too much heat

I don't know what the weather is elsewhere, but here in Boston it is staying in the 90s. I took a walk for an hour yesterday (as I promised myself I would do daily about a month or so ago) and thought of the elders sitting in low income apartments without air conditioning, waiting on helpers to show up to clean, make a meal or give a shower. I used to be in homecare services in inner Boston and remember how hot those places were.
Now as an Alzheimer coach I feel for the elder with dementia who has trouble expressing how they are feeling, suffering with the heat and perhaps their caregiver being unaware of the impact of it all on their care recipient. I wrote a column about this recently (this month actually) in the South Shore Senior News. Go to our website and click on Resource page. There click on and read that column called Summer Behaviors and others I've submitted over the last 8 years. The editor, Greg Porell, is always gracious and prints every last one of them. Bless him.

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: Alzheimer's Drugs That Are Good for the Heart

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: Alzheimer's Drugs That Are Good for the Heart: In 7,000 people with Alzheimer's, those taking high doses of common Alzheimer's drugs saw their rate of heart attacks drop in half...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Two blogs

This having 2 blogs to keep up with is quite challenging. I can't figure out how to post some of the Dementia Weekly articles on my website blog so I transfer them to this one so whoever comes here for information can find some. I devour the Dementia Weekly every week (it comes on Sunday). So enjoy both.

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: Will New Drugs Wash Away Alzheimer's via the Glymp...

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: Will New Drugs Wash Away Alzheimer's via the Glymp...: A newly discovered system by which the brain removes waste may be a powerful new tool to treat Alzheimer’s. Called the "glymphatic sy...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: Alzheimer's Versus Dementia

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: Alzheimer's Versus Dementia: VIDEO Listen to a clear explanation of the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia. Watch the Emory University Alzheimer's D...

Monday, July 8, 2013

Too much intormation

When I start talking at times, someone might blurt out TMI (too much information!). Maybe in certain circumstances (mostly socially ) one divulges too much information, but I don't think that is the case with learning about cognitive disorders like Alzheimer's disease. This blog is a case in point. Find out all you can about causes of dementia so you are not lulled into thinking it is normal aging.

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: Alzheimer's Versus Dementia

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: Alzheimer's Versus Dementia: VIDEO Listen to a clear explanation of the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia. Watch the Emory University Alzheimer's D...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: Digital Dementia

Dementia Weekly | Alzheimer's Weekly: Digital Dementia: VIDEO From seniors down to teens, everyone increasingly depends on digital technologies. New research reveals a startling side-effect: t...