Friday, April 16, 2010

Educate yourself

I have a spotlight on WATD one Saturday a month with Greg Porell's South Shore Senior radio show. Tomorrow I'll talk about the value of activity to the person with Alzheimer's or related memory disorder AND their care partner. People with Alzheimer's have a hard time initiating meaningful and enjoyable activity and if someone doesn't do that for them, they pace or rummage or wander trying to find something or someone to bring them enjoyment. This is a tall order for caregivers especially if the person hasn't had a full social life. An adult day program is ideal for introducing socialization, fail-free (low frustration high satisfaction) activities and nutrition as well.
The TV is the worst form of structure as it is not interactive unless shared with another person who makes comments about the program. It is also usually confusing as the scenes change from programming to commercials which are not related to the program. Lack of attention, retention and concentration make TV a poor substitute for a person.

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